Hi, I'm Josh

Bringing Ideas to life on the Web.

I'm a front end developer, based in the UK, passionate about creating clean and functional web apps that enhance user experiences.

Get in touch


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A one stop place for movies and tv series on all streaming platforms. Also provides recommendations on what to watch based on user preferences.

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3D/AR Planet Viewer

Learn about the planets in our solar system whilst interacting with 3D models of them. These are can be viewed in Augmented Reality on iOS devices.

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An invoice management app for freelancers to help stay organised and keep track of payments.

Other projects

  • Shrtly

    A landing page that uses an API to generate shortened URLs and stores them in the browser for later use.

    ReactStyled ComponentsShrtcode API
  • Sneakers

    An ecommerce product page with a carousel view and cart functionality.

  • Todo App

    Classic todo app with theme toggle, drag and drop and utilises local storage.

Lets collab

Got a project? Lets talk